Let's Talk Business

Whether you are a sole proprietor, a corporation, or looking to become a corporation or an LLC, MJL will be able to assist.

Business Start-up

Start Up Services

Sole Proprietor
The name for running a business by yourself. Legally, you and your business are one and the same, with no separate legal entity for your business.
“Limited Liability Company”, this is a hybrid entity between a sole proprietorship and a corporation that possesses the advantages of both. Forming a limited liability company (LLC) should be among the first steps you take as a new business owner. Creating an LLC can help you protect your personal assets while adding legitimacy to your company LLCs are the option of choice for small business owners as they are easy to manage and provide the benefits of a corporation while lacking their complex structure. Taxwise, they operate more like a sole proprietorship.
A complex legal structure that is a separate entity (providing legal protection to owners) from the owner and comprises directors, officers, and shareholders. Forming a corporation limits an owner's legal and financial responsibility for the activities and debts of the business. Plus, incorporation provides a structure that can attract potential investors, and may help a new business establish credibility with customers and potential partners.
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LLC Formation
Includes Articles of Organization, Statement of Information, EIN
(includes state filing fee)
Corporation Formation
Includes Articles of Incorporation, Statement of Information, EIN
(includes state filing fee)

Business License

Business License

Most businesses require some form of licenses or permits to operate, and those requirements vary depending on the business activity and its industry as well as the city and state.

  • Ideal for new locations, MJL does detailed research uncovers all your business licensing requirements with state, county, and municipal licensing authorities.
  • MJL conducts research with the jurisdictional authorities and sends a detailed report with relevant license applications specific to your location, industry type, and business activities.
  • MJL sends applications to you as fillable PDFs, along with filing tips, licensing contact information, and a breakdown of the required fees. You simply complete the forms, sign them, and return them with payment.
Price varies by state and type of business. Book and appointment.

Registered Agent

Registered Agent Services

A registered agent (RA) acts as the state's means to communicate with a corporation or LLC. A Registered Agent will accept legal and official documents on behalf of a small business, organize the paperwork, and pass it along to the business owner.

Our registered agent service provides you with a physical address that is always available to accept important legal documents, so you won't need to worry about missing important paperwork when you're not at your place of business.

$120 (per year)
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Telephone, In-Person or Virtual

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